Why is it important to keep the pressure on?

Thanks to Beth Franklin for this insightful guest blog she wrote for us.

You’ll have seen a lot about the Environment Bill over the last two weeks. 

The Environment Bill has been a topic of conversation for a long time, and covers targets for improving the natural environment like air quality, nature and biodiversity and resource efficiency, as well as, water. 

The big story recently has revolved around the key amendments for the bill being put forward  that would stop raw sewage from infecting our waters. And the original bill has made it easy for MP’s to disguise their decision. Well, we already put legislation through on the original bill - so what’s the point? 

To put it simply, the Government had a chance to hold water companies legally accountable for the millions of hours of raw sewage they release into our waters every year. But they rejected the amendments in parliament.   

The reasoning behind the rejection was it was too costly, and that there was already legislation to avoid this. However, SAS reported over 400,000 sewage pollution events over the last year...does that sound like working legislation?

After a huge uproar including a 22 MP rebellion in the Conservative party, the government once again  u-turned, agreeing to the changes. 

The amendments that are now in place put a duty of care on water companies to stop sewage discharges and storm overflows. But given the track record on this matter, it’s more important than ever to stay loud, stay alert and get loud. Now, we need to ensure that we see real change. 

Meaning no more checking the water quality app to see red flags all over the map, no more getting sick when we swim or surf in the water. Ensure that water companies don’t find more legal loopholes, and continue to pollute our waters

The matter was devolved in the Scottish Parliament (which didn’t stop some tory MP’s voting against the amendments), and most of our Northern MP’s voted in favour of the amendments...

...But that doesn’t change the amount of red flags around our areas. 

In light of COP26 we’re sure every MP under the sun will write a statement supporting new climate legislation but does that mean they will work on actionable change? 

Many MPs will view this as a popularity contest, but it’s not. It’s our lives, and our oceans and rivers. 

Write to your MP, even if they voted in favour, especially if they voted against or didn’t vote at all. Keep the heat on them.

To find out more -

The excellent Surfers Against Sewage have lots of resources and there are local groups you can talk to and find out more about here.

The link below is a super helpful way to contact your MP directly to encourage them to support enshrining an end to sewage pollution in law.

“Whilst recent government amendments to the Bill are welcome they alone do not deliver the urgent action needed to end sewage pollution. That’s why I’m calling on you, as my MP, to support amendments to clause 82 when the Bill returns to the Commons and ensure the legal duty not to pollute makes it into the Act.”

Use this helpful link to contact your MP directly regarding this issue.

Thanks Beth for the blog!

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