Welcome to Yonder!

I've been surfing for around 12 years now and it has been the central pillar in my life since I got hooked right at the beginning. I think the allure started with the challenge and the adventure of it all. I'd see surfers early in the mornings and into the sunsets whenever I was at the coast and felt pangs of jealousy that they had this incredible way to be in the position they were; in the sea, amongst nature and doing something they loved, for themselves. 

Longboarding in the North East

Longboarding in the North East

The transition from watching and thinking, to becoming one of those people wasn't easy. Surfing is hard work but the challenge of it kept me coming back and made me more determined to develop my skills and confidence in the water. 

In the years I have been surfing, it's given my life more than I could ever have imagined it would. It triggered a total restructure; I had a great career in Leeds, working as a service manager in the charity sector, probably with a pretty bright future, but the allure of the sea was stronger than my desire for career progression. So I left it behind and moved to Tynemouth, and focused more on slowing things down, exploring our coastline and taking trips to surf amazing waves.

I've been lucky enough to have spent time in Indonesia, North Africa, France, Scotland and the South West. 

In 2015, my husband Tom and I decided to challenge ourselves with a 16,000 mile road trip on dirt bikes with surfboards attached on side racks. We surfed and camped our way from Chile, through 12 countries, to California on a tiny budget. 

On my motorbike in Baja California, Mecxico after 11 countries and 10 months on the road.

On my motorbike in Baja California, Mecxico after 11 countries and 10 months on the road.

It took us 12 months to complete the trip and we got to surf some incredible places and live a feral life on the road, surfing in balmy warm waters and powerful secluded waves. 

Camping and surfing in Peru (the wave from the film Given)

Camping and surfing in Peru (the wave from the film Given)

The last couple of years since our return have also been pretty life-changing. I had a pretty bad accident on the RNLI lifeboat, snapping my humerus bone clean in half, requiring some pretty serious plating and physiotherapy to get my strength back to surf. We also made the decision to have a child and we welcomed our son Billy to our family in December 2017. It was time for another restructure.

It was a tough year for me, I'm always active and out in the sea so being injured and pregnant really frustrated me. I was back in the water (in some capacity) just two weeks after having Billy; I needed to be in the sea to clear my head and although it was hard, and I was terrible, it was an instant reminder of why I love what I do. I realised that I needed to build a life and business around doing what I love. 

Me and Billy with our Motorhome in Scotland

Me and Billy with our Motorhome in Scotland

I've been an ASI qualified surf coach since 2015, and have built up a lot of experience teaching people of all ages and abilities to surf in Tynemouth at the excellent Tynemouth Surf Co. and Longsands Surf School. 

I've been hugely inspired by my good friends at VC London, Hey Ho Print Co and other strong female role models and wanted to create a service that I think is really needed in the largely male-dominated surf industry. 

VC London and Yonder in Devon

VC London and Yonder in Devon

My camps aim to reflect my lifestyle. The challenge, and amazing feeling of progression after a surf. Spending time in beautiful places with great people, sharing inspiration. Building a love and knowledge of the ocean and understanding surfing, surf craft, safety, etiquette and the culture we belong to. The weekends are fun, with hearty food, wine and good company.

I aim to leave you exhausted but inspired to book your next trip to chase waves. Trust me, there is nothing better than surfing in your sleep. 

The lessons I offer are a bit different too. I'm based in Tynemouth but can travel to nearby spots, taking our motorhome as a mobile base to get changed, warm and have a cup of tea. I offer one-to-one lessons, which might focus on one element or issue which is holding your surfing back, or could really accelerate the learning process with tailored teaching. We are also available to book for private group sessions and it gets cheaper the more people you have on board - excuse the pun. 

Yonder Surf